How to Approach Quitting an Addiction/Habit and Enjoy the Resulting Changes

I will begin by describing my experience of quitting vaping flavored nicotine through e-cigarettes (shown above). Then, I will describe how you can quit an addiction or change a habit successfully and with pleasantness.

My experience of quitting vaping

I quit vaping about two months ago, and this simple, difficult act (along with mindfulness practice) revolutionized my mind. Soon after I quit, there was a lot of aversion that commandeered experience. When this cleared, the unpleasantness continued with experience being an undefinable mush, indescribable (at the time) by words, like I was feeling my way through a thick soup. Throughout this withdrawal, my sense of self had fallen apart, as then I could see that the sense pleasure of vaping had defined to a large extent my concept of self.

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